Enhance Consumer’s Experience With AR/VR Solutions

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AR/VR in Automobile Industry

Automobile industry has always tried the latest technologies for enhanced user experience and user safety. AR/VR is the latest addition in this list, and probably the fastest growing as well! Augmented and Virtual reality impacts every aspect of the automobile industry. From giving virtual tours of vehicles to potential consumers, to using AR/VR sensors to enhance road safety, the automobile industry is using AR/VR in almost everything these days.

All these facilities have made AR/VR extremely valuable to the automobile industry. And the use of immersive technology in automobiles is expected to grow even further in future.

Market Summary

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Globally, the market share of virtual reality in the automotive market was $759.3 Mn in 2019, and it is projected to reach $14,727.9 Mn by 2027. The experts suggest that it will exhibit a CAGR of 45.1% during this period. Hence, it would not be wrong to say that after gaming and EdTech, the automobile industry is one of the hot favorites for the growth of AR/VR.

Of all the utilities of AR/VR in automobiles, their largest use, according to market study, remains in designing and prototyping, followed by training, research and development. Virtual shows to consumers is also a part of the list.

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Virtual Automobil Showrooms with AR and VR Services

Virtual Reality Showrooms

Nowadays, the automobile industry is setting up virtual automobile showrooms using AR/VR. In these virtual showrooms, the consumers can see the vehicles, their interiors, and test all their important features. Also, they can compare two vehicles virtually, and select which one is better.

Designing and Prototyping with AR VR Services

Designing & Prototyping

The biggest use of AR/VR in automobiles is in designing and prototyping. Building real prototypes of vehicles is quite expensive. That is why, the industry is now developing virtual prototypes using AR/VR. It helps them to redesign and redevelop the prototype multiple times, till they get the best version.

AR VR Solutions helps in Remote Maintainance of Automobiles

Product Development and Maintenance

The AR/VR solutions help in remote maintenance of automobiles. Using various AR/VR apps, the product engineers can provide effective trouble shooting in remote conditions, after virtual inspections. Acadereality provides customized product development and maintenance AR/VR solutions to the clients. For best and efficient solutions, connect with us today!

Virtual Training and Simulation

Virtual Training and Simulation

AR/VR based simulations can be used to train the service engineers, factory workers, virtually. Hence, the employees don’t need to travel from one place to another for training purposes. It saves a significant amount of production time.

Virtual Test Drives

Virtual Test Drives

Using AR/VR solutions, the client’s consumers can go on virtual test drives, and experience the vehicles from within. The experts believe that virtual test drives are a significant step towards eCommerce in the field of automobiles.

img Benefits of AR/VR in Automobiles

AR VR Sensors Enhances Safety

Using AR/VR sensors, the automobile industry can add enhanced safety and accident prevention features to automobiles.

Remote Maintainance Services

The maintenance engineers can deliver remote maintenance services to the consumers virtually, without physically traveling to the consumer’s place.

AR and VR Speeds up Prototyping Process

The virtual prototypes are faster to develop and cheaper in comparison to the real prototypes. Hence, AR/VR speeds up the prototyping process.

Multiple Redesigning with AR and VR Services in Automobile

As the designs are tested virtually, the designers can do multiple revisions to their designs, without hampering the expenditure.

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